Listening Caring Working For You

Homes For The Future
All rough sleepers were offered homes during lockdown, and MK Council continues to house them, but with high rents and lost jobs the number are going to increase. Jenni Ferrans, Lib Dem spokesperson on Housing has been talking about what is happening in MK.

Jenni says “We have managed to house everyone and keep them safe, and we are supporting the few who refuse to come in or to obey basic rules to keep people safe, and now we’re moving to provide longer term help and accommodation for those whose mental health problems etc. need more work. But the homeless keep coming – with family homes overcrowded during lockdown, the stress of the pandemic causing relationship breakdown, and some landlords still evicting people. So the work goes on.

For people who have homes, rents are so high, they are causing poverty, even among those who are still in work, so we have to work with landlords to help keep them down. This is essential to help reduce Child Poverty and improve mental health for everyone. “We’re also building more council housing and I’m pleased the Liberal Democrats are supporting new building projects, but it is the tip of a very big iceberg. We will keep the pressure on to get people a roof over their head and one they can afford to keep. We need developers to build the sort of homes MK people need and can afford” Jenni added.

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