Kents Hill Park Primary School Delayed

In a shock decision, after Government interference, MK’s Labour Cabinet has decided to give the Government the whole say over who manages all our new schools including Kents Hill Park Primary. 

Cllr Jenni Ferrans at Kents Hill Park Primary School

Cllr Jenni Ferrans at Kents Hill Park Primary School

But the earliest the Government can appoint managers is Autumn 2017 – too late for the 2017-18 school year, and the Government’s last appointment was an academy that has failing schools!  Oakgrove School has offered to accommodate the extra children in 2017-18.

Your Lib Dem councillors think MK Council should still go ahead locally with the primary school, to get it open on time, with a good academy managing it.

Please sign our petition or ask us for a paper petition, quickly, if you agree!

Ladbroke Grove Development

MK Development Partnership has appointed a developer to develop the site off Ladbroke Grove in Monkston Park.  The site will be developed for general housing after plans for older people’s housing fell through.  The plans should be submitted soon.

Please let us have your email address if you want the Lib Dems to notify you when they come in.  We hope to have an exhibition of the plans on Monkston Park.

Dangerous Dogs

There have been reports over the last few weeks of a dangerous dog accompanied but off the lead.
This is attacking other dogs, and sadly, occasionally people, around Caldecotte Lake and on Walnut Tree.  The dog is a black and white heavy-set dog.  If you witness an attack of this sort, please ring the police immediately.  It DOES warrant 999.  Unless the Police can catch the owners, they can’t take action.

Please remember that ALL dogs should be kept on leads when on paths. Dogs who jump up at people can be a danger, even if they are friendly and well-behaved.

Election Results for MK Council


Thank you to all the people who voted to keep Vanessa McPake as your Councillor in Monkston ward of Milton Keynes Council.  She was re-elected for another 4 year term.  The result was:

Vanessa McPake  (Lib Dem)          1337
Vicki McLean (Conservative)             907
Vikas Chandra (Labour)                    545

After the result was declared, newly re-elected Vanessa McPake said:  “The Lib Dems fought our campaign on local issues.   Local to the residents of Monkston ward.  And we won with a 430 majority, fantastic.    I should like to say a very big Thank You to those who voted for me and helped in the campaign.  Your kind words about how we work all year round, and how you never see the other Parties, were inspiring.”

Overall on Milton Keynes Council, the only change was that Lib Dem Marie Bradburn won the Bradwell seat from David Lewis (Labour), which means that the Council is now:

Labour                         22
Conservative               22
Lib Dem                       13

All three parties will now be reviewing options about how the Council can be run.

Anthony Stansfield, the Conservative candidate, was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley authority.

Elections in Monkston ward

We have three sets of voting going on soon locally.

On May 5th we have the election for councillors on Milton Keynes Council.  You can see the Lib Dem Manifesto for Milton Keynes here.

V McP cropOur local candidate is Cllr Vanessa McPake, who has served this area as a councillor or campaigner for ten years, and is standing for re-election as a councillor.  She is now campaigning to:

  • Get more houses built that our children can afford
  • Clean up the litter grot spots with more flexible litter picking
  • Increase our evening and weekend buses
  • Safeguard and maintain our lovely landscape
  • Work with parish councils to keep our play areas.

Also on May 5th we have the election for a Police Commissioner.  This is the elected person who oversees the Police in the whole of Thames Valley.  Lib Dems believe that one person cannot possibly represent the interests of such a wide area, but that is the system we have, so we have to work with it at present.

Our candidate is John Howson, who is campaigning to cut crime, not constables!  He points out that if we can use modern methods to increase detection rates, and use the best methods of dealing with each category of offender to reduce reoffending, then we will reduce crime without needing to spend more!  Win-Win!

You can see more about his campaign on the Thames Valley Police website at

Finally, on June 23rd we have the big one – the referendum on whether to Remain In the EC or to Leave the EC.  You can see the Lib Dem party comment on this here.  After the Council elections, we’ll put more on this website about the issues for Milton Keynes.

Developments near Walton Grange

The MK Local Plan designates the area around Walton Grange for development, and a number of plans and development briefs have been prepared that will shape the developments.  This article gives you an overview, with links to more information about each part.  It will be updated as things change.

The phase 1 plans (see below) are now out for consultation, until 25th October, so have your say!


A planning brief defines the development opportunities and constraints and suggests a broad general shape that the development might follow.  For larger developments, Outline plans and Reserved matters (the rest of the detail) then follow, while for smaller developments, we go straight to a detailed plan.  Both the development brief and the plans are consulted on, so you have the chance to express your views.  However, it’s important to understand that what the Council is allowed to insist upon, and sometimes even what they are allowed to propose, is limited by planning law.

The area around Walton Grange is divided into two: the area currently owned by MSD, the company opposite across Hulwell Gate, and the area currently owned by MKDP, the Council’s development arm.

The MKDP land

The MKDP area, known as Walton Manor, was the subject of a Development Brief consultation last year.  If you want to see what was consulted on, then please click here, and search for the keywords Walton Manor.   The brief was delayed for a variety of reasons, and extra technical information has led to a change.  The new version is being prepared at present, and will be published soon.  We will update this article when it comes out. We’re not expecting any plans until well into 2016.

The MSD Land

MSD also want to develop their existing land, in three phases.

Phase 0 covers the land immediately across Hulwell Drive in front of the flats on Walton Grange.  The plan is to build a very small water treatment plant (basically relocating one they already have), together with a small visitors car park, and a row of landscaping by the road to screen it a little from the flats.  You can see the information we put out on it here.

Phase 1 will include building a new small production plant (to replace an existing one) on the land further in beyond the treatment plant, with landscaping to screen it, and extensions to the car parks near the V10.  They will also add an extra lane to the HGV access within the site, so that vehicles can queue there, and not on Hullwell Gate.  See our leaflet for more details and search for plan 15/02293/FUL on the Council’s website here.  The planning application is out for consultation until 25th October 2015, so please get your comments in, and let us know if you still have any questions.  We have obtained mock-up views of the plant from outside the Abells Close flats and the Harley Drive flats.

Phase 2 will cover two more buildings within their site, and a new large car park near the H9 and access from the H9.  That may reduce traffic on Hulwell Gate.  They have not finalised the planning application yet, so there is nothing to see, but they will do so soon and we will update this article when they do.  The leaflet describes a little more about the phase 2 intentions.

Development Consultation on Kents Hill Park

The Council’s consultation on the planning brief for the developments on Kents Hill Park including both the housing and the schools will close this Sunday, Sept 13th, so please get your comments in to them!  The development proposal comprises:

  • a secondary school to serve the MK south-central area
  • a primary school to serve the new housing plus an extra junior class in each year to take the existing overflow from the area
  • 286-303 homes or small commercial or mixed use units


For more information on why it’s happening, and the process being followed, see our Development Special published early this year.

For more information on the proposals and the school proposals, see our KentsHillSpecial2.
Update: Heronsgate have agreed to take the 2016 intake to the junior school, and those children will then stay at Heronsgate until they move up to secondary school.  It’s intended that the new school will open on the new site on Kents Hill in September 2017.

To see the questions residents asked at the meetings the Parish Council convened, and the answers, see our Kents Hill Questions and Answers.

To see the planning brief that the Council is consulting on, see MK Council’s website at

Lindisfarne Drive Parking Restrictions

The Council has finally agreed to consult on restricting parking on the bend at Lindisfarne Drive, Monkston.
They are also proposing double yellow lines around the roundabout with Lanercost/Ulverscroft and across the redway crossing points around the roundabout, to stop people blocking the pathways.

The map of the proposed restrictions is here.

Please send your comments to:
The Network TRO Officer,
Highways Department, Public Realm Services Group,
Synergy Park, Chesney Wold,
Bleak Hall,
Milton Keynes, MK6 1LY
to be received no later than 16th September 2015 quoting reference PH-S1-TRO-127.

No Local GP?

The Focus team at Walnut Tree surgery where expansion is desperately needed

The Focus team at Walnut Tree surgery where expansion is desperately needed

Many people locally can’t register for a GP or NHS Dentist, or have to wait ages for appointments.  The Focus team is calling on NHS England to make more provision available either in Monkston ward, or on the estates immediately next to our homes.

NHS England have now confirmed:

  • Not to expand either MK Village or Walnut Tree surgeries to take new patients
  • to close Broughton Gate surgery and open a new “super-surgery” at Brooklands
  • to send all new patients to that surgery – near Junction 14
  • Walnut Tree surgery to get help to shorten GP waiting times – for those who’ve been able to register there!

We know there are hundreds, if not thousands, of local people, particularly in Monkston, Monkston Park, Kents Hill and Walton Grange, who have not been able to register at either Walnut Tree or MK Village.  This means drastically increased journeys for them, with no direct bus, when they are ill.

If you want to protest about this, and to ask for MK Village and Walnut Tree surgeries to be expanded, and more dentist provision to be made available locally, please:

We have to keep the pressure up on this!  We will be taking your complaints to meetings of the MK Health and Wellbeing Board, so please get lots of signatures!

Dustbin Chaos on Monkston

Residents in one corner of Monkston were completely bemused last week.  First they were told that their rubbish collection day was moving from Tuesday to Wednesday.  And then there was no sign of the rubbish truck!  Thanks to the quick action of Cllr Jenni Ferrans their rubbish was collected – on THURSDAY!

Jenni commented: “Most of the collection went smoothly, but the estate is now split between two rounds. The area of Chetwode Avenue, Lanercost Crescent, Wymondham and the roads off them are supposed to be collected by a different truck, also on Wednesday.  For some reason the truck didn’t collect most of the rubbish last week.  The Focus team still haven’t had an explanation from MK Council but at least we were able to get the rubbish collected the following day.”

Please remember: your rubbish should be out by 7am on collection day.  The area left last week is likely to be collected much earlier than previously.