Broken Signs

Cllrs Subhan Shafiq and Jenni Ferrans at the leaning sign in Crowborough Lane.

Cllrs Subhan Shafiq and Jenni Ferrans at the leaning sign in Crowborough Lane.

On the case. The Lib Dem Focus team continues to report broken signs.  The Lib Dem Focus team 1st reported this one in Crowborough Lane, Kents Hill, 6 months ago!  The Council fixed all the others near by but not this one which is in danger of falling over on cars!  It was eventually fixed recently after Cllr Subhan Shafiq reminded the Council – for the fourth time!

Come on Tory-run MK Council! Fix the keep-left signs on our major roundabouts. The one on Walton roundabout was hit months ago and is still not repaired!

If you spot any road signs that are faulty please let the Lib Dem Focus team know.



Thank you for your support in the elections.

We won the election in Monkston Ward, with Jenni, Vanessa and Subhan all elected as Councillors for Monkston ward:

Jenni Ferrans       1128
Vanessa McPake    1085
Subhan Shafiq    981

Many thanks to all the people who have helped deliver “Lib Dem Service” in Monkston ward this year.

And THANK YOU to everyone who voted for us to continue!


Litter Problems – and Success!

Jenni Ferrans has got this rubbish cleared from Kilwinning Drive roundabout in Monkston.

Jenni Ferrans has got this rubbish cleared from Kilwinning Drive roundabout in Monkston.

Question: What happens when you get bushes cut back?
Answer: You expose the litter!

That is what Jenni Ferrans found when the brambles were cut back on the Kilwinning roundabout, Monkston. She has got the litter removed and has asked for the bushes to be replanted.

Vanessa McPake at the bin near the brook.

Vanessa McPake at the bin near the brook.


The MK Council litter bin by Caldecotte Brook grill, Walnut Tree, has been causing problems for months with litter overflowing and ending up in the Brook or all over Parks Trust land.

After a lot of lobbying, Vanessa McPake has at last got MK Council to check it 3 times a week and empty it when needed.
“This should save us a lot of problems and ensure our area is clear of litter” said Vanessa.

Grit Bin Success – but not yet!

THANK YOU to all the residents who signed our petition to save grit bins.  We’ve WON!

Following the LibDem campaign right across Milton Keynes, the Conservatives backed down from their proposal to stop grit bins this week.  They have now allocated a small budget next year  – but it will have to cover both replacing damaged bins and adding new ones.

Vanessa McPake commented “The budget is not enough, it doesn’t start till April, and it stops after just a year, but at least its something.  Now we need to campaign to make sure OUR residents get the bins they urgently need!”

Following residents requests, the Focus team has asked for two more bins – both on steeply sloping roads – one in Canonbury in Monkston Park, and one in Bartholomews Close in Walton Park.  The Council have said, again, that we can’t have them at present! Please sign our petitions for these grit bins to let the Council understand how important they are!

Canonbury petition    Bartholomews Close petition

If you need grit for roads and footpaths in the meantime, then ask for a bag by contacting us, or MK Council on 01908 252353 or email [email protected].  If you need it for your driveways, it can be bought at local builders merchants.

Tory Council Threatens Transport for the Elderly and Disabled

Community Transport for the elderly and disabled under threat from Conservative cuts

Community Transport for the elderly and disabled under threat from Conservative cuts

MK’s Conservatives have confirmed their proposal to make huge cuts to the  Community Transport service (currently “PlusBus”).  Around two thirds of the elderly and disabled users will be excluded from the service.

Although the Council has to make £10M cuts, the Lib Dems have made clear to the Conservatives that they expect the most vulnerable people to be protected from the worst of the cuts.

Cllr Subhan Shafiq said: “This would imprison people in their homes.  It’s appalling while the Council continues to waste money.”

Please sign our petition and respond to the consultation  to let them know your views!  There are two consultations:

Budget Consultation 2014-15 – including a massive cut to the Community Transport budget
Consultation ends 15/2/2014

Future Provision of Adult Social Care and Supported Services Transport – specifically about the Community Transport
Consultation ends 28/2/2014