Many people locally can’t register for a GP or NHS Dentist, or have to wait ages for appointments. The Focus team is calling on NHS England to make more provision available either in Monkston ward, or on the estates immediately next to our homes.
NHS England have now confirmed:
- Not to expand either MK Village or Walnut Tree surgeries to take new patients
- to close Broughton Gate surgery and open a new “super-surgery” at Brooklands
- to send all new patients to that surgery – near Junction 14
- Walnut Tree surgery to get help to shorten GP waiting times – for those who’ve been able to register there!
We know there are hundreds, if not thousands, of local people, particularly in Monkston, Monkston Park, Kents Hill and Walton Grange, who have not been able to register at either Walnut Tree or MK Village. This means drastically increased journeys for them, with no direct bus, when they are ill.
If you want to protest about this, and to ask for MK Village and Walnut Tree surgeries to be expanded, and more dentist provision to be made available locally, please:
- sign our petition
- email the Chair of the MK Health and Wellbeing Board, Cllr Peter Marland
- email the NHS England representative, Dominic Cox
- ask us for a paper petition to take round your neighbour
We have to keep the pressure up on this! We will be taking your complaints to meetings of the MK Health and Wellbeing Board, so please get lots of signatures!