Ladbroke Grove Development

MK Development Partnership has appointed a developer to develop the site off Ladbroke Grove in Monkston Park.  The site will be developed for general housing after plans for older people’s housing fell through.  The plans should be submitted soon.

Please let us have your email address if you want the Lib Dems to notify you when they come in.  We hope to have an exhibition of the plans on Monkston Park.

9 thoughts on “Ladbroke Grove Development

  1. Mo Khan says:

    Housing development is not suited as there are no infrastructure to accommodate housing development. Playground or old peoples home would be better for the area or even the park trust purchases the land for its natural and wild life protection.

    • That discussion was had last year I’m afraid, and it was decided that since the area is suitable for housing, housing should be there. The development should contribute money for infrastructure – some more play equipment in the Park, expansion of the GPs surgery at Middleton, school expansion where needed – but there’s room at Oakgrove Primary School, and money towards improving the hospital, roads, etc. There are two large old people’s homes at Kents Hill. Not sure what other infrastructure you mean?

      • Mo Khan says:

        Typical Lib Dems response, with no consultation with the residents and no foresight on the impact to the local residents and their concerns. Where is the true Lib Dems gone fighting for equality and listening to the public, probably gone sleep focusing on second referendum, that is why the Conservatives will rule over us for decades, god bless Teresa May.

        • Mo,
          I’m sorry if you missed them but there were two lots of consultation – the year before last, when the decision was made to develop. It’s not a Lib Dem decision! We don’t run the Council. Nor do we run the government which sets the rules on how much land we must allocate for housing. What we did do was to make sure that all residents around the site at the time heard about the consultations and were able to have their say. The MKDP tried first to pursue the older people’s housing option that most residents preferred, but unfortunately that has fallen through, leaving only applications for the general housing option. All residents will be able to comment on the plans when they come in.

      • Michelle McDermott says:

        Except we’re in catchment b for oakgrove primary (just as we are for Middleton) and Oakgrove is still expanding as an estate. I feel like we’re still in a bit of a no man’s land where primary schools are concerned with monkston park.

        • Oakgrove hasn’t opened all its current capacity yet, and it has room to build more classrooms after that, so we should be OK for a long time to come.

          • Michelle says:

            Hi any development on this as Middleton have since revised their admission policy. Applicants with a sibling currently in the school are lower priority then previously and so the likelihood of getting in is reduced.
            Monkston Park is catchment B for Oakgrove, B for Middleton and A for Monkston but only if its not filled by those in Monkston and/or with siblings currently in the school.
            Do you know what percentage of Oakgrove’s capacity is currently in use without development of more classrooms?

          • Hi. Several considerations:
            Firstly Oakgrove have not changed their admissions criteria for Sept 18 admissions, and for many children in Monkston and Monkston Park it won’t affect you even when they do in 2019, because half of Monkston Park is further away from the school than most of Oakgrove, so you would get in or not under either criteria. However, the southern half of Monkston Park and the part of Monkston that usually gets into Monkston school would be somewhat affected as building on Oakgrove progresses, pushing you a little further down the list.
            I believe Oakgrove has room for three classes in each year at present, but I’m checking that. That was the plan they applied for but I’m not certain whether they built it all. if so, they have capacity for another 40 places to be opened up before they need any more building work.

            Oakgrove in total might be expected eventually to use between 12 and 24 more places by the time it’s built out than it’s using now. Ladbroke Grove development in Monkston Park is expected to have about 35 homes – that’s lower density than Ladbroke Grove but a little higher than Goldhawk Road. From that, we’d expect just 2 children a year. And a handful from other small infills elswhere in their catchment. So between them they won’t fill up the places in Oakgrove that Oakgrove doesn’t currently use. We just have to make sure they open sufficient places in each year, and generally they have been very co-operative about that.

          • Further update: Oakgrove did buld the whole building so they do have room for 40 more places than they’re currently opening. So there should be room for everyone provided the places are opened as this area needs them. We can never be sure that there will be places left locally for people who move in after the point where they’d normally have started at the school, sadly, because the government rules don’t allow us to. It only allows us to ensure that there are enough places city-wide, but we can be sure that there are sufficient places for the area in the area for the people who are here on time to apply for them.

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