Development at Kents Hill West

The sites under discussion at Kents Hill

The sites at Kents Hill

Development of some sort will come to the west of Kents Hill near the V10 over the next few years.  Our special Focus edition explains why, what is being considered, and how you can input to the decision.

We’re fighting to ensure that, whatever comes, adequate infrastructure comes with it, so that existing residents don’t suffer as a result of the new development.

Rubbish Collections – Ooops!

Rubbish collection dates are a day later than usual this week as the service catches up after the Bank Holiday.

Monkston’s collection will be on Wed 7th  (Note NOT 8th as in Focus – sorry!)

The other estates in Monkston ward will be on Thurs 8th.

Next week they return to the usual days of Tuesday and Wednesday.

Labour’s Savage Budget Cuts

Car drivers, bus users, young, old, those with disabilities
– all will pay the price in Labour’s proposed budget cuts!

What are they proposing?
Parking charges up to £2 an hour. More spaces, but much higher car parking charges.
Some night time and Sunday bus services will disappear. Young people and pensioners face higher bus fares.
Even fewer people eligible for Council housing as they want to change the rules.
MK Citizens Advice Bureau faced with closure. Local charities, like those that help the blind and help the young homeless may vanish for ever.
Children’s Centres, Youth Clubs, Community Centres – all are on Labour’s ‘hit list’.
No more black bin bags, and higher charges for special collections.

And what are they proposing spending money on?
Spending millions on new furniture and new computers for their offices.
More money on senior staff and “away days” for staff.

The Liberal Democrats want to save our crucial services for the disadvantaged and disabled. Keep critical voluntary services that help all. And not hit car drivers or bus users.

Grit Bin Success

Vanessa McPake on the slope at Bartholomew Close, Walton Park

Vanessa McPake on the slope at Bartholomew Close, Walton Park

People walking through Bartholomews Close and on the nearby redway will be safer this winter because the Focus Team have succeeded in getting a grit bin installed there. Vanessa McPake commented “It’s taken two years of arguing to get it – ridiculous on a well-used footpath with a slope which is clearly dangerous when icy.”

Cutting the Cost of Housing

Home buyers in Milton Keynes will pay on average £392 less in Stamp Duty.  The new system – announced in the Coalition Government’s Autumn Statement – is based on a long-standing Liberal Democrat policy and will reduce the cost of moving house, especially for 1st time buyers.

Weeds Don’t Stop!

Jenni Ferrans and Vanessa McPake are trying to get Queensbury Lane completed and the weeds cut!

Jenni Ferrans and Vanessa McPake are trying to get Queensbury Lane, Monkston Park completed and the weeds cut!

Your Focus team is still working to get the grass verge sorted out in Queensbury Lane, Monkston Park where the developers left the job half done.




Jenni Ferrans with the land in Finsbury Chase, Monkston Park that no-one wants to own.

Jenni Ferrans on the land in Finsbury Chase, Monkston Park that no-one wants to own.

Meanwhile, in Finsbury Chase, Monkston Park, Jenni has asked MK Council to trace the owners of this land. It’s not clear which of two developers and HCA own it!

Kents Hill Playing Fields – More Help Needed!

MK Council have invited community organisations to bid to take over the playing fields and the pavilion at Kents Hill.
But that’s not all.  They have also included the footpath, the basketball court, and the play area!
And now MK Council is also proposing changing the use of the field from football and general recreation, to just football!

The Council says this is to ensure better community use of the facilities.  The Focus team says it’s more likely to result in the facilities being closed to the general public!

Public access to Kents Hill playing fields is threatened

Cllrs Jenni Ferrans and Vanessa McPake at the playing fields

MK Wanderers want to bid for the pavilion and playing fields – but they have no interest in the rest.
Residents want the public use of part of the playing fields to continue, as well as the basketball court, and the footpath – and MK Wanderers agree.

Cllr Jenni Ferrans says “If MK Wanderers have to take the lot – and pay for it’s upkeep, they will need to raise money.  And that could mean closing off of some of the facilities except when people pay.  And the Focus team has discovered that the footpath is not a right of way, so a future owner could close that too!  It’s important to understand that MK Wanderers DON’T WANT this!  They want to keep everything public.  They would like to take ownership of the fields and the pavilion, because that makes it easier for them to raise money for their upkeep, but they have no intention of closing anything to the public.

Help Needed
Thank you to the many people who have supported our application to make the footpath a public right of way.  The application has gone in, and we’ll let you know when the DCC committee are to hear it. If you’ve not given evidence, please sign our petition – and tell your friends and neighbours!

But we need more help.  MK Council are consulting on the Playing Fields Strategy – and that’s where they are proposing to make the fields for football only.  You can read the strategy here.  Please respond to the consultation and tell them whether you think the fields should be just for football or for general use, by 11th November – and tell your friends!

And beyond that, we need to safeguard the public use of the basketball court and the play area too.  So please sign our petition to let MK Council know how residents feel.

And please let your friends and neighbours know!