As we go into lockdown again, we won’t be able to deliver Focus but the Focus team will continue to update you via email. If you want to receive these emails, please send us your email address.
COVID is Back Again
The numbers of cases are rising again – and Milton Keynes is no exception. We have around 4 times the new cases that we had in July and nation ally it is doubling every week. So please obey the new rules carefully. Remember, as a rough guide, if you’re with someone from outside your home or bubble and can both reach out and touch hands, you probably need a face covering. If you can touch the other person’s body, you’re too close even with a face covering!
20 mph for Monkston Estate
Residents on Monkston estate have asked for a 20 mph speed limit across the estate. Numerous pets have been killed, and, with parked cars hiding children and animals from view, they are scared that a child will be next.
They want the speed limit to apply across the whole estate, as there have been pet deaths on every main road, and if the main roads are 20 mph but the side roads 30 mph, then drivers will be worrying about the speed limit, rather than paying attention to the road!
Please take our survey to give your opinion. The results, and the list of addresses supporting the change, will be shared with Milton Keynes Council. Thank you.
Leo Montague – Working for Monkston ward
Lib Dem campaigner Leo Montague is standing for election to MK Council on 2nd May as the third councillor for Monkston ward, alongside Jenni and Vanessa.
Leo grew up in MK and went to school here. He has been an active member of the community for well over 10 years, serving as a Youth Cabinet Member, and a Parish Councillor, before moving to Monkston and joining the Focus team. In his spare time he manages a Sunday League football
team and enjoys playing piano and guitar.
Leo says “Lib Dems have made a real difference to MK and to our area, and I’m keen to help continue the work. I’m passionate about the environment and I know many of you are too, so I’m particularly pleased about the extra money the Lib Dems have got there for the coming year, and I’m looking forward to making sure that its spent well in our area, but our programme includes many other important things that the Lib Dems are pushing for to make MK better as well.”
● Increasing the Council house building programme to provide more affordable housing for larger
families and free up small homes for small families
● Continuing the great work for the street homeless that’s helped many to get back into housing,
health and work
● Cleaning up the litter blackspots and dealing with the brambles and weeds
● Sorting out long term management of our landscaping with the Parks Trust
● Sorting out the recycling system so that MK returns to being one of the best for recycling
● Improving mental health provision, particularly for children and those threatened with, or
recovering from, homelessness, and more support for Special Educational Needs provision
● Continuing to press for proper funding for care for the elderly from the Government
● Supporting plans for the new University and for the expansion of MK College
Vanessa and Jenni say “We’ve enjoyed working with Leo over the past couple of years and we really look forward to him being elected and
joining us on the Council. Please support him, so that the Lib Dem Focus team can work even harder for you and for this area.
Walnut Tree Pavilion – Consultation Thurs 8 November 6-7.30 pm at SNAP
MK Council are consulting on proposed changes at Walnut Tree Pavilion.
The Pavilion has been vandalised repeatedly, and currently the toilets are out of action, which means teams can’t use it for practices. It’s not viable to keep it going unless something is done to protect it. Now the Council is proposing to erect a fence around the Pavilion, as has been done round several others, to protect the building, without interfering with public use of the car park and the playing fields. See the document attached.
After that, the Council and Hertsmere Leisure who run it would like to know whether there are any more improvements that you want to help you to make better use of the pavilion – so please let them know!
They are holding an exhibition where you can ask questions at SNAP in Bourton Low on Thursday 8th November from 6-7.30pm. Or you can read the document here, and reply by email to the address given.
Please have your say by 15th November!
Election Result for Milton Keynes Council
Election Result in Monkston ward
Jenni Ferrans Lib Dem 1416
Jaime Tamagnini Conservative 651
Vikas Chandra Labour 584
Lawrence Morgan Green Party 94
Jenni has therefore been elected
Thank you to all who supported us, with a special thank you to those who’ve helped us to deliver the service to you all, and to all the people who sent messages of support over the past few weeks.
Now the hard work begins again!
Election Results for MK Council
Thank you to all the people who voted to keep Vanessa McPake as your Councillor in Monkston ward of Milton Keynes Council. She was re-elected for another 4 year term. The result was:
Vanessa McPake (Lib Dem) 1337
Vicki McLean (Conservative) 907
Vikas Chandra (Labour) 545
After the result was declared, newly re-elected Vanessa McPake said: “The Lib Dems fought our campaign on local issues. Local to the residents of Monkston ward. And we won with a 430 majority, fantastic. I should like to say a very big Thank You to those who voted for me and helped in the campaign. Your kind words about how we work all year round, and how you never see the other Parties, were inspiring.”
Overall on Milton Keynes Council, the only change was that Lib Dem Marie Bradburn won the Bradwell seat from David Lewis (Labour), which means that the Council is now:
Labour 22
Conservative 22
Lib Dem 13
All three parties will now be reviewing options about how the Council can be run.
Anthony Stansfield, the Conservative candidate, was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley authority.
Street Lights
With the darker evenings, your Lib Dem Focus team has been trying to get some lighting problems sorted out asap. Some lights don’t work, some flash, some are wasting electricity by being on all day!
Cllr Vanessa McPake (left with local residents) got the street light sorted out in Goldilocks, Walnut Tree.
Cllr Subhan Shafiq (right with resident) is still working with MK Council on the street light in Walton Road, Walnut Tree, which had been day burning for some months.
If you spot a street light that is not working properly then tell your Lib Dem councillors.
Snail Trail Lit – Partly!
Self-Build at Monkston Park
Jenni Ferrans writes:the first three of the vacant plots on the even numbered side of Queensbury Lane, Monkston Park are being advertised for sale for single self-build houses. Please contact us if you want more details.
If there is enough interest, the remaining plots will follow soon. If not, they will be held until next year. The end plots have been deemed big enough to hold two houses, but we wait to see what buyers propose.
Once buyers have the land, they will put planning applications in, and residents will be able to comment at that stage.